Γέφυρα Ρίου Aντιρρίου ζωντανή κάμερα

This is a WebSDR receiver, located in Rion, Greece, KM08UC68. It is operated by SV3YY, e-mail: sv3yy@yahoo.gr.
Best viewed with . After upgrading to Version 103.0 you have to click on "Audio Start". If you wish to configure your browser to NOT require the need to press this button and allow audio/video to start automatically on ANY web site, read this Guide.
Many thanks to guys from Utah who did this excellent job and helped us to add dsp filters and other features to our websdr. Precious help from SV2AMK. Many thanks also to Mehmet Ozcan NA5B for his excellent work with colorized waterfall and BAS ON5HB for his Airspy drivers. Final modifications to GUI from SV1BTL. Alternative layout based on RW3PS's template, is also available. You can try it here.
More information about the WebSDR project can be found on http://www.websdr.org. Note: you need both Java and JavaScript enabled for this page to work properly. If you don't hear anything, probably Java is disabled or its version is too old (i.e., pre-1.4.2).

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It seems Java is not installed or disabled on your computer. You need to install and/or enable it for this website to work properly.
Since Java version 7u51, Java needs to be enabled separately for each website; see http://websdr.org/java.html for instructions.
Your browser does not seem to support HTML5 WebAudio; please try a recent version of Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Safari; or switch to Java.

g : enter frequency
j k ← → : freq down/up (+shift/ctrl/alt faster)
u l c a f : USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM
n : snap frequency to nearest integer (.00) khz
z Z x X : zoom waterfall / Rx signal to Center
w W : narrower, wider
b : change band
m V v : mute, volume up/down
t T : VFOs: toggle A/B, set A=B

Brightness:       Contrast:                Signal ? dBm       Peak ? dBm       Noise ? dB       SNR ? dB

This SV3YY WebSDR  is currently being used by ? user(s)     Mobile Version    Zoomed layout      Waterfall      Alternative GUI   

Frequency:   kHz.   Mode: ?
Please enter the frequency above.                   
Or tune by clicking/dragging/scrollwheel on the frequency scale.




Memories are stored as cookies on your computer, not on the server.

Callsign lookup by qrz.com
Callsign lookup by qrzcq.com
QTH locator by QTH-Locator

Station information:

Mute Squelch High Boost
Notch1 Notch2


 DSP NR: More info here
  Waterfall view:  

Or use scroll wheel and dragging on waterfall.

  Bandwidth:        ? kHz @ -6dB; ? kHz @ -60dB.(? / ?)

IF shift:   

Or drag the passband edges on the frequency scale.
Audio buffering:
Audio out:

Gain control: AGC on Manual

Signal strength plot:


Call of station that you hear:


View the last 20 lines of the logbook,
or the entire logbook.

This WebSDR is currently being used by ? user(s) simultaneously      compact view

This chatbox is intended to discuss the operation of the WebSDR. The operators of this site disclaim any responsibility for text appearing in this chatbox.
